Maya Mae Review – Beer Advocate | 4.4/5

4.4/5 rDev +13.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
P- Poured from a 16 oz can,into a Cigar City spiegelau IPA glass.Best by 2.5.2018.
L- Soapy white head that stands a finger width tall,with moderate retention and heavy lacing.Light amber colored body with moderate clarity,and distorted light showing through.Heavy amount of carbonation,light amount of sediment.
S- On the nose I get orange,mango,papaya,some pine,and dank notes.some sweet caramel malts as well,but they are subdued.
T- On the palate I get pine hops up front,mango and papaya in the middle,and pithy dank pine returns on the back end with a hint of orange,that balances out with a slight hint of caramel malt.
F- The mouth feel is medium light,with a chalky texture.Nice amount of prickly oxidation on the tongue,with a dry finish.
O- This is a very nice IPA.Perfect balance of juice and bitter pine.I will definitely be drinking this one again in the future,and recommend the hop heads give her a try.